On the Way

Business Consulting

By Nils Steyaert


"On the Way" consulting specialises in business and IT consulting.

Contact me


My specialty lies in processes, data and people. And managing it all.

Usually my work is project-based but occasionally I give training or coaching.



business (process) architecture

business process management

process improvement

process modelling



data management

data migration

information modelling



team leading

change management

agile workflows


More recently I dove into management and strategy

strategy and roadmaps

lean business analysis

lean strategy execution


Usually my work also includes

functional analysis

software testing






1 year in operations, 6 years in projects linked to operations.


Background, certifications and relevant buzzwords

master degree in engineering

master in industrial management

Lean six sigma


object-oriented analysis, UML

agile, scrum, kanban



Please visit my LinkedIn page for a full resume. A pdf version is coming.


This web site is only a stub, for now.












"On the Way" is also a fine art photography project. Visit the portfolio.